The Italian language entry test will take place on March 3rd 2022 on the Microsoft Teams unict platform:
March 3rd 2022, from 10.00 to 11.00 a.m – Teams code: bxukcm (prof. Pepi) (Student surnames A-E)
March 3rd 2022, from 11.00 to 12.00 a.m – Teams code: bxukcm (prof. Pepi) (Student surnames F-L)
March 3rd 2022 from 10.00 to 11.00 a.m - Teams code: vy6tw8g (prof. Arcidiacono) (Student surnames M – P)
March 3rd 2022 from 11.00 to 12.00 a.m - Teams code: vy6tw8g (prof. Arcidiacono) (Student surnames R-Z)
The entry test is not necessary for students who attended our Italian courses during the first semester. They can send an e-mail to giuliana.aiello@unict.it, in order to choose the new level of their Italian course.